22 October 2024, 6:13 AM
Dear Editor,
Re: Hawkesbury Post article "Monday's candidate for review is Amanda Kotlash from the Labor Party", (Online) 9 September 2024
As previously notified, we received a complaint concerning the above article.
The complainant said (in relevant part) that the article’s “… tone was disparaging and it was in many points inaccurate, unfair, incomplete and opinionated. It was not based on fact.”
After careful consideration, the Council’s Secretariat has decided not to proceed further with the complaint. In reaching this decision, we have taken into account that the information in the article appears to be based on publicly available information from Hawksbury City Council. As such, we consider the publication has taken reasonable steps to comply with the Press Council’s principles in relation to accuracy and fairness. Accordingly, we consider it is unlikely that a breach of the Council’s Standards of Practice has occurred.
The complainant has been informed of the outcome and the complaint is now closed.
Kind regards,
Paul Nangle
Director of Complaints
Australian Press Council Inc
Level 3/77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney NSW 2060
Telephones: 02 9261 1930 1 800 025 712